Eyelash Extension Application Training
Hello, my name is Mai and I have over 10 years of experience applying eyelash extensions​. I specialize in two different types of eyelash extensions Individual and Cluster. The Cluster eyelashes are applied for a more full and glamorous look. The Individual eyelahes are applied for a more natural look. Through my extensive experience I have learned how to apply eyelashes in a way that compliments the client's natural eye shape without irritation or damage to their eyes and lashes. Upon completing this training, you will gain new skills and a better understanding of the art of Eyelash Extensions
Classes Offered:
Individual Eyelash Extensions
Cluster Eyelash Extensions
All students must be licensed with Esthetition/Cosmetology.
The first day will be dedicated to lecture and lessons, the following day will be hands-on practice on customers.
The class can be taken at our salon or if the class is being taught to 3-4 technicians from the same salon, the class can be taken at your current salon of employment.
After the course, you are welcome to work at our salon for eyelash extensions.
For further information, please call our office: (626) 715-5909

Email: info@mysite.com